Why does Windows Defender mark MetroVPN as malware?
Last updated: June 19, 2023
Rest assured, MetroVPN is completely safe and free of any viruses or malware. This issue occurs due to a false positive by Windows Defender, which may mistakenly flag legitimate software. You can resolve this by manually adding MetroVPN to your exclusions list in Windows Defender. Here's a step-by-step guide to do so:
① Click on the Start menu and select Settings.
② Navigate to Privacy & Security > Windows Security.
③ Click on Virus & Threat Protection > then go to Virus & Threat Protection Settings and select Manage Settings.
④ Scroll down to the Exclusions section and click Add or Remove Exclusions.
⑤ Select Add Exclusion, choose Folder, and locate the folder where MetroVPN is installed on your system.
By adding MetroVPN to your exclusions list, Windows Defender will no longer flag it as malware, allowing you to use the app without interruptions. This false positive is a common occurrence with many VPN software, as they operate by modifying network traffic, which can sometimes trigger overzealous security protocols.
Remember, you can always check for updates on the official MetroVPN website to ensure you're running the most secure and up-to-date version of the software.
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